Branding your travel organisation or destination

Brands can be very powerful. A child as young as two can recognize and react to brands, with strong emotions.

A brand can be a company name, but also an experience or destination, a local delicacies or a famous local character.

A brand helps prepare customers for what to expect. It connects your team and customers with your vision and purpose. The goal of brand marketing is to boost people’s perception of your company or product. When people interact with your company, they will develop a view of your company with attached feelings, based on the experiences they had with your product and services.

Before they arrive, they are probably excited. If your tour was fantastic, through all the beautiful spots you offer, they might feel amazed. After an excellent community-based tourism visit, they might feel full of joy. If something happened or a connection got delayed, they will feel frustrated. And if your experience is crappy, they will be pissed. All these feelings are part of your brand image, and when your clients are sharing these feelings online, they become a big part of how people perceive your company.

Once you have crafted your brand image, you can work on making it more clear so that your target audience has a better idea of what your brand stands for. Why are you doing what you are doing? A brand is a statement; it helps to define for whom this company is and is not. Preferable, engaging, and something your clients/fans can passionately agree with (or not/hate it). Above all, it should be believable. Your communication needs to be consistently in line with that, amplifying the feelings you want to be connected with your organization, combined with your own intention, purpose, and passion.

Your consumers have their own sets of values and perspectives. If you are able to communicate your brand in such a way that it syncs with the values of your target audience, you are building a strong and loyal client base. You can only create a clear and consistent brand if you set your strategy. Vision, values, and unique selling points are the main drivers behind your brand.

Underneath video shows the brand values of Ascott

Visitors will co-shape your brand based on expectations and preferences. Branding a destination means you want your brand to be a confirmation of the demand generators like national parks, Unesco heritage, beaches, or big theme parks, in combination with emotions. But you also want your community to connect with it, whether as a label to be proud to produce services under or to live in. If not, your destination creates a brand that is detached from the people living in the destination, creating a kind of theme park or museum, not a place to visit people, admire, and learn from.

Communicate your brand with the right travel content and stories. Good stories evoke emotions and emotions set people into actions.

Your Logo

The ultimate representation of your tourism brand is a logo that is used as a quick identifier for customers to recognize your brand name and company. A logo should be simple but breath the brand through its form, the use of colors and its composition.  The best logos don't have letters or text in them, they are clean and focused on the symbol. You need to have good contrast of colors. You can ask AI to think of matching colors with your values and align them with theories about color psychology and maybe your audience and let AI decide what colors are best for your business and give some draft logo and brand style suggestion.

Use AI tool to help you design a logo that is on brand or get feedback on your logo. Or ask a design freelancer to help you. If you are spending significant amounts of money on advertising and quick recognizing starts to become more important, consider hiring a branding agency to help you create a logo and brand that is aligned with you strategy.

A nice article to learn about the power of branding is this article about the Nike Brand.

If you are looking for examples to help you check the brand guide style website with examples of dozens of tourism brands

Dashboard mockupiPhone mockup

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