How to use market research to select your target markets

How to use market research to select your target markets

When making your digital marketing strategy you want to know which markets suit your business best

In which countries is it most easy to sell your experiences and tours, and in bigger countries like the USA what are the cities to focus on. What kind of niches should i go for, or where can i find travelers that love the niche i crafted.

We have collected some sources and information on markets for you to help you kick started. Combine this source with AI and your strategy to quickly get customized advice.

Online sources with market information:

There are many sources where you find answers for these questions online we selected the best ones for you:

‍UNWTO Tourism Dashboard

A good source to check out outbound travel volume in numbers and value per source market.

Tourism Market Information CBI

A good source to learn about European source markets and lots of tips to kick start your tourism business

European Travel Council Publications

Market research and trends of European source markets

World Bank Tourism & Competitiveness

Tourism Factsheets per country, quarterly reports

Websites with Tourism Trends & News

Tourism Update South Africa

Research your own data sources:

Google Analytics

Your Geo - Country Report gives information about countries and their performance, if you click on them you can see the states and cities in a country, most of the time as a smaller scale tourism business its more efficient to focus on cities than on whole countries.

Google Analytics
Use Google Analytics to get insight in your visitors

Facebook Insights:

In the people report of Facebook insights you can where your followers are from and where you have reach.

Facebook Insights

Europe Outbound Travel Market

Germany, the United Kingdom and France are the largest outbound travel markets in Europe. What is remarkable about the German market is that they are behind in accepting e-commerce, though covid 19 could give a big boost to e-commerce in the German market. Its means when you target on Germany, you need to proof your are trustworthy, won awards, did certification, have high reviews, good recommendations, show you are a professional company even more than in other markets.

East European markets are fast growing.  

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